A future-ready worker will leave an employer that doesn't support their ambition... For future-ready workers, fair pay and development are non-negotiables. After salary, future-ready workers are leaving for better opportunities – 32% are pursuing jobs that will give them skills to become more employable in the future, compared with 23% of the global workforce. And 30% are looking for a job that invests more in upskilling and training, compared with 19% of the global workforce. Finally, future-ready workers prioritise upskilling over traditional career progression, suggesting they understand the value of non-linear career paths and adaptability. Future-ready workers want fair compensation and development opportunities I want a better salary 42% 51% I want a job with better work-life balance 32% 33% My career is not progressing in my current company 17% 27% - 10 points I am unhappy in my current job 18% 24% I want a job with remote-working opportunities 24% 28% I would like to move to a job that will give me skills to make me more employable in the future 23% 32% + 9 points I want a job with more flexibility regarding working schedules 22% 30% I am looking for/have been offered a better opportunity elsewhere 21% 30% My work is not fulfilling/meaningful 14% 20% I am worried about burnout or working too much 20% 18% I am looking for a job with more investment in upskilling/training 19% 30% + 11 points Global average Future-ready workers Q24: You said that you would like to leave your job in the next 12 months. Which of the following best describes why you would like to make this change? 23

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