Anxiety over AI means human input is increasingly valued Recruitment is one area where workers are increasingly seeking human input – 76% say they value the expertise of a recruiter to see potential in them, compared to 64% last year. At the same time, the number who trust in AI's ability to deliver a fair assessment of previous experience has fallen 10 points since last year. In previous research* only 43% of business leaders had confidence in their AI skills and knowledge to be able to understand the risks, so it's unsurprising that only 46% of workers say the same. Leaders must hold themselves accountable to skill themselves in AI first, to allow their workforce to believe that they can make informed decisions on how and where it should be used. Those who want a human to assess While those who trust Al to assess their experience is increasing their experience hasfallen sharply 76% 64% 55% 46% 45% 43% Workers Business leaders 2023 2024 “In a recruitment process I value the "I trust AI to assess the relevance of my Less than half of workers and less than half human expertise of a recruiter to see non-traditional experience that would of business leaders* respectively have potential in me beyond my skills and make me a good fit for a job" confidence in decision-makers’ previous experience” AI skills and knowledge Q26: To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about recruitment? | Q27: To what extent do you/would you trust a potential employer's use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the following aspects of their recruitment process? | Q11: To what extent do you agree/disagree with the following statements about the influence of AI at work? - I am confident that my employer's management/leadership team have sufficient AI skills and knowledge to understand the risks and opportunities | *The Adecco Group, April 2024, Leading Through the Great Disruption: Q16. To what extent do 48 you agree with the following statements about your company's use of AI? - My company's leadership team have sufficient AI skills and knowledge to understand the risks and opportunities

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